Create Loyalty Rule
Create a new Loyalty Rule
Schema for creating a new loyalty rule with detailed validations
Reward amount associated with the rule
The effective end time of the rule
The effective start time of the rule
When the rule becomes inactive
Execution frequency of the loyalty rule
, once
, daily
, weekly
, monthly
, immediately
Unique identifier for the loyalty currency
Additional metadata for the loyalty rule
Name of the loyalty rule
Unique identifier for the organization creating the rule
When the rule becomes active
Type of loyalty rule being created
, BoughtOn
, BoughtWithRoyalties
, DiscordMessages
, Listing
, Lodging
, MintOn
, PoapClaim
, SnagSocialsConnected
, SnapshotFullset
, SnapshotHold
, SoldOn
, SoldWithRoyalties
, TokenHold
, TwitterBio
, TwitterHashTagPost
, Retweet
, check_in
, code_entry
, connect_wallet
, connected_discord
, connected_email
, connected_epic
, connected_steam
, connected_telegram
, connected_twitter
, create_partner_account
, discord_member
, drip_x_follow
, drip_x_new_tweet
, drip_x_text_in_bio
, drip_x_text_in_comment
, drip_x_text_in_name
, drip_x_tweet
, external_rule
, link_click
, manual_upload
, profile_completed
, referred_user
, smart_contract_event
, snapshot_governance
, telegram_join
, telegram_messages
, text_input
, token_hold_erc20
, tweet_liked_by_project
, twitter_comment
, twitter_follow
, twitter_followers
, twitter_like
, twitter_post_hashtag
, quiz
, poll
Unique identifier for the associated website
URL of the background asset to be displayed
Blockchain address of the associated collection
List of associated collections
URL for fetching custom rewards
URL for uploading custom rewards via CSV
Optional detailed description of the rule
Whether to hide this rule in the user interface
Interval between rule executions
, weekly
, monthly
, once
Whether this rule is mandatory
Unique identifier for the loyalty rule group
Blockchain network where the rule will apply
, polygon
, polygon_mumbai
, optimism
, arbitrum
, binance
, bscTestnet
, avalanche
, avalancheFuji
, zksync
, fantom
, fantomTestnet
, base
, baseSepolia
, skaleNebula
, xai
, berachainArtio
, solana
, apechain
, flowMainnet
, campTestnet
, sui
, vanar
, sepolia
, optimism_sepolia
, arbitrumSepolia
, goerli
, optimism_goerli
, arbitrumGoerli
OAuth credentials associated with the rule
Type of reward issued by the rule
, multiplier
Identifier for associated subscriptions
Schema for creating a new loyalty rule with detailed validations
Reward amount associated with the rule
The effective end time of the rule
The effective start time of the rule
When the rule becomes inactive
Execution frequency of the loyalty rule
, once
, daily
, weekly
, monthly
, immediately
Unique identifier for the loyalty currency
Additional metadata for the loyalty rule
Name of the loyalty rule
Unique identifier for the organization creating the rule
When the rule becomes active
Type of loyalty rule being created
, BoughtOn
, BoughtWithRoyalties
, DiscordMessages
, Listing
, Lodging
, MintOn
, PoapClaim
, SnagSocialsConnected
, SnapshotFullset
, SnapshotHold
, SoldOn
, SoldWithRoyalties
, TokenHold
, TwitterBio
, TwitterHashTagPost
, Retweet
, check_in
, code_entry
, connect_wallet
, connected_discord
, connected_email
, connected_epic
, connected_steam
, connected_telegram
, connected_twitter
, create_partner_account
, discord_member
, drip_x_follow
, drip_x_new_tweet
, drip_x_text_in_bio
, drip_x_text_in_comment
, drip_x_text_in_name
, drip_x_tweet
, external_rule
, link_click
, manual_upload
, profile_completed
, referred_user
, smart_contract_event
, snapshot_governance
, telegram_join
, telegram_messages
, text_input
, token_hold_erc20
, tweet_liked_by_project
, twitter_comment
, twitter_follow
, twitter_followers
, twitter_like
, twitter_post_hashtag
, quiz
, poll
Unique identifier for the associated website
URL of the background asset to be displayed
Blockchain address of the associated collection
List of associated collections
URL for fetching custom rewards
URL for uploading custom rewards via CSV
Optional detailed description of the rule
Whether to hide this rule in the user interface
Interval between rule executions
, weekly
, monthly
, once
Whether this rule is mandatory
Unique identifier for the loyalty rule group
Blockchain network where the rule will apply
, polygon
, polygon_mumbai
, optimism
, arbitrum
, binance
, bscTestnet
, avalanche
, avalancheFuji
, zksync
, fantom
, fantomTestnet
, base
, baseSepolia
, skaleNebula
, xai
, berachainArtio
, solana
, apechain
, flowMainnet
, campTestnet
, sui
, vanar
, sepolia
, optimism_sepolia
, arbitrumSepolia
, goerli
, optimism_goerli
, arbitrumGoerli
OAuth credentials associated with the rule
Type of reward issued by the rule
, multiplier
Identifier for associated subscriptions