Update Loyalty Rule
Update an existing Loyalty Rule
Path Parameters
Reward amount for the loyalty rule
Effective end time of the rule
Effective start time of the rule
End time for the loyalty rule
Frequency of the rule execution
, once
, daily
, weekly
, monthly
, immediately
Additional metadata for the loyalty rule
Name of the loyalty rule
Start time for the loyalty rule
Blockchain address of the associated collection
List of associated collections
API URL for custom rewards integration
URL for uploading custom rewards via CSV
Optional description of the loyalty rule
Whether to hide this rule in the user interface
Time interval for recurring rule execution
, weekly
, monthly
, once
Whether this rule is required for participation
ID of the rule group section to associate with the rule
Blockchain network where the rule will apply
, polygon
, polygon_mumbai
, optimism
, arbitrum
, binance
, bscTestnet
, avalanche
, avalancheFuji
, zksync
, fantom
, fantomTestnet
, base
, baseSepolia
, skaleNebula
, xai
, berachainArtio
, solana
, apechain
, flowMainnet
, campTestnet
, sui
, vanar
, sepolia
, optimism_sepolia
, arbitrumSepolia
, goerli
, optimism_goerli
, arbitrumGoerli
ID for associated OAuth credentials
Type of reward issued by this rule
, multiplier
Optional subscription identifier for the rule
Reward amount for the loyalty rule
Effective end time of the rule
Effective start time of the rule
End time for the loyalty rule
Frequency of the rule execution
, once
, daily
, weekly
, monthly
, immediately
Additional metadata for the loyalty rule
Name of the loyalty rule
Start time for the loyalty rule
Blockchain address of the associated collection
List of associated collections
API URL for custom rewards integration
URL for uploading custom rewards via CSV
Optional description of the loyalty rule
Whether to hide this rule in the user interface
Time interval for recurring rule execution
, weekly
, monthly
, once
Whether this rule is required for participation
ID of the rule group section to associate with the rule
Blockchain network where the rule will apply
, polygon
, polygon_mumbai
, optimism
, arbitrum
, binance
, bscTestnet
, avalanche
, avalancheFuji
, zksync
, fantom
, fantomTestnet
, base
, baseSepolia
, skaleNebula
, xai
, berachainArtio
, solana
, apechain
, flowMainnet
, campTestnet
, sui
, vanar
, sepolia
, optimism_sepolia
, arbitrumSepolia
, goerli
, optimism_goerli
, arbitrumGoerli
ID for associated OAuth credentials
Type of reward issued by this rule
, multiplier
Optional subscription identifier for the rule