Internal currency integration
If you have an existing loyalty system, or want to interact with an off-chain points system we allow partners to integrate existing loyalty points to be distributed as a part of the Snag Loyalty Program to be used as your all-in-one destination for points & points management moving forward.
In our self-serve dashboard we will ask for the following:
Get balance URL
Update balance URL
API key
Please include API key authentication on your server. Allow us to pass in the API key as a header
Get loyalty point balance
This endpoint will be called many times from our frontend, please ensure it is performant
If we query for a wallet address which is not present in your system then please either don’t include that wallet in the response array or ensure the balance value is set to
. -
For multi-currency setups, please include separate account balance objects in the array for each currency, and map your currency to the loyaltyCurrencyId provided in the snag admin.
Update loyalty point balance
This endpoint should process all updates transactionally (all succeed, or all fail), or return a 400 error.
It is the APIs responsibility to balance check prior to executing the balance updates.
For multi-currency setups please specify a separate path for each currency.
Example: if one wallet has insufficient balance, then return a 400 and a proper error message. We will surface the error message to the frontend.
Get loyalty account history
Returns the list of balance changes for a wallet address
This endpoint will be called many times from our frontend, so make sure it is performant and can handle the load
API Structure & Guidelines for Loyalty Rules
We expect specific standards for an API endpoint that our loyalty rules interact with (e.g. to get off-chain data from your system that somehow impacts rule evaluation and/or rewards).
For our system to be able to call your endpoint(s) during rule execution we ask for the following:
Endpoint URL
API key
Standard pagination & sorting parameters
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