
If you have an existing loyalty system, or want to interact with an off-chain points system we allow partners to integrate existing loyalty points to be distributed as a part of the Snag Loyalty Program to be used as your all-in-one destination for points & points management moving forward.


In our self-serve dashboard we will ask for the following:

  • Get balance URL

  • Update balance URL

  • API key


Please include API key authentication on your server. Allow us to pass in the API key as a header

# we will send the following header on all relevant requests
x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY

Get loyalty point balance

  • This endpoint will be called many times from our frontend, please ensure it is performant

  • If we query for a wallet address which is not present in your system then please either don’t include that wallet in the response array or ensure the balance value is set to 0.

  • For multi-currency setups, please include separate account balance objects in the array for each currency, and map your currency to the loyaltyCurrencyId provided in the snag admin.

GET <URL can be specified, e.g. https://api.domain.com/api/balances>

Query parameters:
  walletAddress: string | string[],  // case-insensitive
  startingAfter?: string // optional, only if pagination is required.

// no pagination
Status code: 2**
Response body:
  "data": [{
    "id": string // optional, only if pagination is required
    walletAddress: string
    amount: string // important: amount must be a string
    loyaltyCurrencyId: string
  hasNextPage: boolean // if pagination is required

Update loyalty point balance

  • This endpoint should process all updates transactionally (all succeed, or all fail), or return a 400 error.

  • It is the APIs responsibility to balance check prior to executing the balance updates.

  • For multi-currency setups please specify a separate path for each currency.

  • Example: if one wallet has insufficient balance, then return a 400 and a proper error message. We will surface the error message to the frontend.

POST <URL can be specified, e.g. https://api.domain.com/api/balances>

Body parameters:
  entries: [
		  walletAddress: string // case-insensitive
		  direction: 'debit' | 'credit'
		  amount: string // important: amount must be string.
		  idempotencyKey: string | undefined // external client responsible for saving only once
		  metadata: Json | undefined
	description: "description of event",
	loyaltyRuleId: uuid | undefined


Status code: 2**

Satus code: 4** or 5**
Response body:
  message: string

Get loyalty account history

  • Returns the list of balance changes for a wallet address

  • This endpoint will be called many times from our frontend, so make sure it is performant and can handle the load

GET <URL can be specified, e.g. https://api.domain.com/api/entries>

Query parameters:
  walletAddress: string,  // case-insensitive

  // If passed in then filter by this value
  // return only the most recent per each rule.
	userCompletedLoyaltyRuleId: string | string[],

  // id from previous request, optional, if pagination is required.
  startingAfter?: string

  // number of elements to return
  limit?: int

// sorted by createdAt desc
Status code: 2**
Response body:
  "data": [{
    "id": string // optional, only if pagination is required
    walletAddress: string
    direction: 'debit' | 'credit'

    // we need this to determine if rule was completed
    idempotencyKey: string | undefined

    metadata: Json | undefined

    loyaltyRuleId: string | undefined
    amount: string // important: amount must be a string
    loyaltyCurrencyId: string
    description: string
    createdAt: datetime
  hasNextPage: boolean // if pagination is required

API Structure & Guidelines for Loyalty Rules

We expect specific standards for an API endpoint that our loyalty rules interact with (e.g. to get off-chain data from your system that somehow impacts rule evaluation and/or rewards).


For our system to be able to call your endpoint(s) during rule execution we ask for the following:

  • Endpoint URL

  • API key

  • Standard pagination & sorting parameters